On Tuesday, February 28th - 5 days before we will be in Florida to pick up Allie and bring her north, Marilyn emails to say that Allie's eyes didn't seem to be doing as well as they should be. She had gone back to the vet that morning and they had tested her corneas to make sure there were no ulcers - which there were not. She felt very strongly that Allie needed to be seen by an ophthalmology vet and wanted to make sure we were aware of the development. Calls and emails began buzzing about to make sure everyone knew the recent situation.
The folks at Leaving Tracks were on board to give the entire donation made by Amber Bug and Cleo's mom and dad for Allie's cause.
The next call went to Kate at GPA Wisconsin, the greyhound rescue group in the midwest that was ultimately taking responsibility for Allie. Originally this was to be an easy greyhound transfer with a dog coming from Florida to Wisconsin, with most, if not all costs covered. Now the possibility of a very large expense was hanging over our heads. Kate did not even hesitate.....she said to move forward to get Allie here and then get her into the eye specialist and she would make sure all was taken care of! Could that be any more amazing?
The last person I needed to check in with was my husband so he was aware that some extra traveling might be in our near future as well as medications and special handling as Allie is scheduled to live at our house until we find a good permanent home for her. He was on board as well.
With this latest possible problem put to rest, an email was sent to Marilyn to give her the good news.... we were ready for Allie - eye problem or not ! Marilyn was thrilled to know that the right thing would be done for Allie ..... She thanked the people at Leaving Tracks and GPA WI for being there for Allie and said she was off to help Allie pack, as she was going north! :)
Something to note here is that once this problem was discovered by Marilyn, she said she had another dog that was not presenting any health issues and had already been spayed. This dog would be able to come with us if everyone was not on board to help Allie. One of the main things discussed by Leaving Tracks was that many groups are not willing to take on the time/money/energy costs that are involved with bringing in a dog that is not 100% healthy. We all felt that we could do more good by taking in this one dog as we had so many people coming together to help.